Services /

Health Concerns

If health concerns deserve specialty care, so do you.

No one wants or deserves therapy where they're treated like a "sick patient." But they deserve a therapist who knows how to talk about the tough stuff and can offer support through a lonely experience.

What concerns bring you here?

Healthy behaviors: Sleep
"My mind won't turn off, even - or especially - at 2am."
Health behaviors: Eating
"I need to improve my eating habits, but I can't stay on track."
Chronic health diagnosis
"How do I live my life without this illness taking over everything?"
Decisions about treatment & care
"We're grappling with an important and difficult decision about my care."
Health and relationships
"My family and I are struggling to manage everything. We need to reconnect and communicate."
Terminal diagnosis
"My life is short. I need to talk about it, plan for it, and live well."

Dr. Singh's approach to your therapy

With her experience in health psychology and supporting folks through varying stages of medical concerns, Nina brings you science-backed treatments that leverage behavior change techniques for tangible change. Your therapy is personalized to your specific health goals.
Therapy that takes a "whole person" approach can help you adjust to a diagnosis while empowering your identity and sense of purpose. Given her intimate understanding of the impact of medical challenges on well-being and relationships, Nina takes an informed, realistic approach to your therapy, while helping you improve your quality of life in creative ways.
From preventive, healthy behaviors, to chronic or terminal diagnoses, Nina adapts your therapy to your most pressing needs. Read more about therapy for specific health-related concerns and stages of health, below.

Evidence-based therapy for health needs

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia

CBT for Insomnia is the gold standard treatment for insomnia. It's one of the most effective therapies in the world of psychology. Clients may experience this treatment as challenging at times,, but when carefully tailored to your life circumstances it is accessible, feasible, and effective. This treatment targets sleep habits and stress, both of which influence sleep. With coordinated medical care, many patients are able to taper off sleep meds. Both CBT and medications are effective in the short term, but CBT wins out for long term improvements.

Eating Well: CBT and Mindfulness

A program that uses Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Mindfulness-based Eating Awareness Training (MB-EAT) to change your relationship with food. Well established CBT methods help you track goals and address barriers. Mindful eating addresses all-too-common autopilot eating in ways that help you experience taste and satiety.

Therapy for Chronic Pain

When confronted with the harshness of living with physical pain, it feels like nothing can fix your body. At the same time, have you ever felt a spike in pain when you're really stressed? Tapping into emotional, cognitive, and behavioral factors that influence pain can help address the anxiety, depression, and diminished quality of life associated with chronic pain. No psychological treatment can eliminate pain, but therapy might help reduce the suffering that arises from physical pain.

Palliative Psychology

By no means meant only for hospice/end of life, palliative psychology offers powerful support at all stages of health. It expands the definition of pain to physical, emotional, social, and existential. This opens up your therapy to help you move from pain to resilience across multiple dimensions. Palliative care can help you live your best life, on your own terms, regardless of your health status.

Couples/Family Therapy for Medical Conditions

An individual may hold the diagnosis, but a medical condition impacts the entire family. Engage in skills-based dialogue to move from blame to understanding. Learn tactical problem-solving and decision-making techniques to cope with the unpredictability of medical conditions.

Goals of care

Health concerns can involve incredibly difficult decisions, including which treatment to pursue, how to arrange caregiving, and whether to pursue palliative care. If you feel you need additional support for a particularly difficult decision, Dr. Nina Singh is experienced in helping with this process. Goals of care conversations can help you clarify your most important values at this time, weigh the pros and cons of each option, and support productive communication with family and involved stakeholders.